Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Next Stop - The house of pain (now just a nagging toothache)

This was once a winning station ..............

Life on Mars

Marketing men are quite naturally to be thanked for Easter Eggs appear in the shops the day after Boxing Day. But it seems that the commercial channels are now using the same tactic, by which I mean having a 'Lead time of at least a decade or three to plug their newest tele-visual offerings.

Forget 'Hot off the Satellite' or 'Event Bigness' (clearly that one approved by some hapless TV exec after a very long lunch...) the latest weapon to get us salivating at the prospect of yet another British actor playing an American ie 'House', 'Lie To Me', 'Life' 'Eli Stone' etc is to start showing spots what seems like MONTHS before the first actual episode has aired. I watched the plugs watching plugs for the US version of 'Life on Mars' (and no the lead actor isn't British. He's Irish) forever.

It's a blurry line to create the 'Buzz' without raising expectations too high and diminishing the impact. When is the hype over extended?